Every kind of bead creates addiction...this is something nobody should underestimate.
Some time ago I was already playing with Hama beads..or Pyssla...I was just using them as huge sort of Miyuki beads and beadweaving them to create some decorations.
Actually it was 2011 and i forgot about them since last week, when i found on Pinterest some amazing projects, made using these beads in the proper way: with pegboard and iron.
So i started playing, until i decided to make something bigger:
This scheme is not mine and it's difficult to give credit, since many people used it...I made it in 3 hours and it was absolute fun!
I thought it was going to take days, but once you start...
I am sorry for the poor quality of my photos but lately i can only use tablet and cellphone..my laptop doesn't want to connect to internet and I feel a bit lost without all my tools and the possibility of using a proper camera for pics.
Only three days of vacation left and then I will have less time for these projects...